Let’s launch your business into the world

with a stunning-af one page website.

Let's launch your business into the world

Let's launch your business into the world

Good things

Good things come in small packages.

The Launchpad Website (which you’re reading right now) does all the heavy lifting of a 5-page website… on one awesome page.

Navigation is super simple — everything is linked here, on the home page.

And of course, it’s completely tailored to you and your business — the colours, fonts, patterns, buttons… everything is designed from scratch with *you* in mind.

Because this is a great spot for a quick opt-in

Let’s give your future customers something genuinely useful to download, that shows them why hiring you is a total no-brainer.

(And yep, we design the opt-in for you, hook it all up in your email provider, and even set up the accompanying funnel for you. #winning)

Stop scrolling

right now

About you


This is where you tell your readers about the awesome human known as YOU.

Whatever you choose to share, this is one of the most-read sections on any website. It’s your chance to answer your reader’s big, unspoken question: ‘Why should I work with you?’

(And we know the answer is gonna blow their socks off.)

Let’s make it happen

here’s how we can work together


Amazing Offer #1

I'm baby sus migas taxidermy microdosing. Messenger bag direct trade slow-carb selfies flannel narwhal williamsburg plaid cray edison bulb. Etsy distillery sustainable humblebrag crucifix yuccie chicharrones


Amazing Offer #2

I'm baby sus migas taxidermy microdosing. Messenger bag direct trade slow-carb selfies flannel narwhal williamsburg plaid cray edison bulb. Etsy distillery sustainable humblebrag crucifix yuccie chicharrones


Amazing Offer #3

I'm baby sus migas taxidermy microdosing. Messenger bag direct trade slow-carb selfies flannel narwhal williamsburg plaid cray edison bulb. Etsy distillery sustainable humblebrag crucifix yuccie chicharrones

Let's launch your business into the world

Let's launch your business into the world

Word on the street

“The main pull out quote that paints you in the best light”

I'm baby sus migas taxidermy microdosing. Messenger bag direct trade slow-carb selfies flannel narwhal williamsburg plaid cray edison bulb. Etsy distillery sustainable humblebrag crucifix yuccie chicharrones pour-over letterpress. Af pitchfork pork belly taxidermy tonx meggings. Intelligentsia shoreditch 90's next level 8-bit. Aesthetic master cleanse sriracha fam, vinyl plaid shoreditch.

- Your satisfied client

everything is tailored to YOU.


So depending on your business, this section could be your portfolio, a gallery of your work, 
an “as seen in” section… anything that boosts your credibility and shows how incredible your work truly is.

check out the blog

popular reads

Want to add a blog to your Launchpad site? Great idea. This optional extra (built on the world’s best blogging platform, Wordpress) allows you to share your ideas with the world, build a body of content, and attract more readers through the power of SEO.

Get in touch

They’ve read your whole page. They now understand who you are, what you stand for, and why you’re so great at what you do. Now let’s give them a way to get in touch with you so they can hire you, pronto.

Ready to get started?